One way to run NeoVim on Windows 10 is through "bash on windows". After setting up ubuntu on bash on windows, you can just install NeoVim the same way you would ... ... <看更多>
Platform: CentOS 7 and Windows 10 (This issue occurs on both Platforms); Neovim: 0.3.2; Python: 3.6.5 (provided by Anaconda). I have also written a very ... ... <看更多>
Fork of the Veonim Neovim GUI · Glrnvim ⭐ 172 · glrnvim wraps nvim with your favourite terminal into a standalone, non-fancy but daily-usable neovim GUI. ... <看更多>
Keymaps - abyo/nvim-windows Wiki. My mappings can be found in the keymap file. Also, here's the format for the mapping table below. Keys are case sensitive. ... <看更多>